Silvanus · Completed July 6th, 2014

My first completed Reaper "Bones" miniature (#77013). Surprising our friend by painting a new version of his player character!

Practice Study: Challenging myself to paint this Reaper Bones mini one step beyond "tabletop quality" in a few short sessions within 3 days. Applying Non-Metallic-Metal techniques on the armor.

Lesson Learned: Plan to use painting techniques that will fit within your time limit. I should have used TMM (True Metallic Metals) instead of attempting a NMM (Non Metallic Metal) technique. Keep it consistent & know when to move on. In the interest of time, I didn't use any  NMM techniques on his weapons & they look flat & unfinished in comparison to the armor. Another reason to practice painting smarter & faster!

Work in Progress Pics

WIP July 2, 2014

WIP July 3, 2014

WIP July 4, 2014

WIP July 5, 2014